Dear Colleagues, dear friends! We are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

НГ Новгаро Dear Colleagues, dear friends!

We are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In this expiring year, we have performed extensive work on modernization and updating of a number of serially manufactured items, promotion of innovative solutions and new brands in the Russian market, and mastering new types of the products promotion.

For us, the most important result we have achieved is the expansion of the company’s standing in the industry.

No doubt, this objective would have been hard to achieve without joint efforts of all divisions of the GARO Group. Truly, diligence, sincere commitment and professionalism are the grounds of the company’s reputation and a guarantee of its successful progress.

We believe that next year our team will be able to meet challenges of any complexity level.

Let the boldest projects and dreams come true and let the success wait upon your every undertaking.

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