- 03.11.2016 Group of GARO Companies congratulates you on the National Unity Day!
- 31.10.2016 The bill on the penalties for the using out-of-season tires, has been approved by the Duma committee
- 25.08.2016 The 12th International exhibition of auto components and automobile industry “InterAuto”
- 04.08.2016 The first international contest of independent technical service stations.
- 29.07.2016 The amendments to the legislation concerning the splitting the trust between the insurers and car-service station is being prepared.
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Group of GARO Companies congratulates you on the National Unity Day!
Dear Colleagues and Partners!
Group of GARO Companies congratulates you on the National Unity Day!
This holiday is inseparably linked to the glorious and heroic pages of our history. It symbolizes the idea of national consent and unity around common goals and shared tasks. A feeling of spiritual community, a sincere desire to be useful to our Motherland unites us at present. We wish you a lot of success at work, health and all the best!
The bill on the penalties for the using out-of-season tires, has been approved by the Duma committee
The Duma Committee on Transport and Building of the Russian Federation recommended to pass the bill proposing the introduction of the penalties for the using out-of-season tires, in the amount of two thousand rubles.
The requirements for the tires and wheels exploitation which the bill refers to, are stated in the Technical Regulations of the Eurasion Union approved by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The Regulations set the certain requirements for a tread depth. If in the period from December, 1st to March 1st the tread depth does not meet these requirements the penalty will be two thousand rubles.
Experts point out that Russia is one of the few countries in the world where the use of the snow tires is not regulated. After the enactment of the law, one will have to pay a penalty in both cases, using summer tires in winter and using covered with spikes tires during summer.
At the same time the bill takes into account regional specifities. The powers of the government authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation have been clarified. The powers refer to the prolongation of the ban period of the using winter tires and tires completed with anti-slip spikes.
It is planned that the new rules can come into force on December, 1st, 2016.
The 12th International exhibition of auto components and automobile industry “InterAuto”
On August, 25th, 2016, the 12th International exhibition of auto components and automobile industry “InterAuto” began its working in IEC “Crocus Expo”, Moscow. The exhibition is being held under the support of Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation, Government of Moscow region, NP «Association of Russian automakers” (oar), “National Association of automotive components manufacturers” (NAPAK).
According to the forecasts of the organizers, more than thirty thousand people will visit the exhibition in 2016.
The first international contest of independent technical service stations.
On November, 21st – 22nd, 2016, the results of the 1st International contest of independent service stations will be summarized. The main goal of the competition is to increase the importance and prestige of such professions as a master consultant, a mechanic and a diagnostician, along with a social and professional status of workers and car companies which they represent.
The competition includes four nominations: «The Best Car-service Station», «The Best Master—Consultant», «The Best Mechanic», «The Best Diagnostician».
To apply for the participation, please visit the competition web-site
The amendments to the legislation concerning the splitting the trust between the insurers and car-service station is being prepared.
The Russian Union of motor insurers has announced the preparing of amendments to the legislation concerning the division of zones of responsibility between technical service stations, car and insurance companies in the sphere of vehicles repair within the system of insurance (OSAGO).
One of the main problems to be solved thanks to the innovations is to determine the responsibility of an insurer for the quality of vehicles repair. The amendments will enclose the clear delineation of the responsibility between insurance companies and automobiles service stations.
As Igor Jurgens, the President of the Russian Union of insurers, explained: «Insurers are not directly responsible for the quality of repairing because it is provided by auto service centers, and not by an insurer which only pays for the service and fulfill other functions against a contract with a car-service station”.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs once again suggests tightening the control under the technical inspection procedure
The working-out of the project of changes to the Federal legislation was assigned to the department in compliance with the results of the State Council Presidium that took place in March, 2016.
According to the statistics of MIA of the Russian Federation the number of road accidents due to disabled vehicles increased noticeable. On the official evidence 2.5 thousand road accidents were caused by technically faulty vehicles in 2015.
The officials see the main cause of the problem in a non-qualified or even fictitious technical inspection. “The work aspects of technical inspection operators are beyond the control, which results in the increase of providing of unqualified services, the creating of the unfair sectoral competition, the spreading of the mass falsification of the data regarding the technical inspection and discrediting the institution of the technical inspection in whole”- the developers of the document say. Now The Ministry of Internal Affairs suggests changing the Supervisory authority and tightening the control over the technical inspection procedure. In particular, the officials want to transfer the function of operators’ accreditation from Russian Union of Insurers to Rosakkreditation, that will be empowered to execute scheduled and unscheduled inspections, to extend or to narrow the accreditation sphere, to acknowledge the competence of accredited companies and to terminate the accreditation. Moreover the legislation imposes to carry out the field inspections by accreditation commissions with the participation of MIA representatives.
Corporate training “Elections”
A system of internal corporate training is one of the main tools for the improving the work of employees.
Undoubtedly each company decides what this system should be like according to the company’s possibilities, strategy and the specifics of the enterprise. That is why the regular corporate training plays a very important role in the business development due to the fact that a highly qualified staff is the guaranty of any company’s success and, at the same time, is a critical resource.
The role of corporate training can not be overestimated: the staff exchange experience during such training; furthermore it allows to speed up the process of adaptation, introduces a company’s history and traditions, rallies a team and implements the behavior, management and communication standards.
In 2015 the training was organized for the staff of Group of GARO Companies. It included the following themes: time-management, budgeting, management accounting, sales system organizing, production planning, quality management, innovative activity at the enterprise as well as a highly specialized training on the issues of the technical maintenance of buildings and structures.
On December 18th, 2015 a final session took place. It was carried out in the form of a business-training “Elections” as this method allows to use the employees’ potential nearly in full.
This method is considered to be the most effective and the fastest way of the improving the working quality, through the acquisition of necessary new practical skills.
The main aims of the business-training were:
— gaining the experience ofpublic speaking;
— gaining the experience of market situation modeling;
— making the sales plan for diagnostic equipment for control and testing the equipment units demounted from a car in the conditions of a specific market situation;
— gaining the experience of high-technological product naming;
— making a unique selling proposal for diagnostic benches.
The assessment of the coherence in teams, the completeness of the performance of tasks, competence and brightness of the presentations were estimated by a strict jury:
Vitaliy Polozov – director NAO “GARO-Trade”
Alexander Krupin – director OOO “CINUS zavoda “GARO”
Nataliaya Khaymina – head of administrative department OOO “Group of GARO Companies”.
Congratulations to our winners:
-Stikharev Vadim
-Evdokimov Igor
— Kozlov Mikhail
There were also winners in two special categories: “The most interesting question” and “The most competent answer”. And the winners in these nominations were Oleg Popov and Stikharev Vadim.
We would like to notice that an educational programme for 2016 is being worked at now in the company. The programme will include such themes as sales and marketing management, personal effectiveness, business administration.
The best marketing activity of the year
On November 2016, 2015 in banquet hall «Lefort» (Moscow) was announced the results of the specialized reward «Golden Spanner».
The Group of GARO Companies was rewarded for the best marketing activity of the year.
We give special thanks to the reward organizer publishinf house «Automobile Time» for the highest profeccional level in ceremony organazing and to the experts for the given trust.
The best independent car-service station-2015
On November 23-24, 2015 in Moscow took place a final of the contest «The best independent car service station-2015″.
The Group of GARO Companies was a parthner of the competiton.
The main aim of the contest is to increase the importance and image of car-service consultants, public and professional status workers of car-repair service stations.
In the contest could participate consultants and car-service stations from whole territiry of Russian Federation, except official dealer stations.
The registration of the participants started in August 2015, and in November a final was hosted.
According to the test’s results there were named the winners and laureates of the contest in nomination «The best car-service consultant», the winner in nomination «The best independent car service station-2015″ was defined under analysis of the activiry for over 1 year.
The Group of GARO Companies congratulates the winners and wishes professional sucsess.
The contest’s winners in nomination «The best car-service consultant»:
Makarov Anton, «Bosch autoservice Korolev» (Korolev);
Simonov Dmitry, ТСС «Formula» (Yaroslavl);
Zosimov Vayatcheslav, Autoservice «AvtoOkey» (Samaraа).
The contest’s winners in nomination «he best independent car service station-2015″:
STO «Oktopos» (Obninskк);
Autocenter «Good Garage» (Irkutsk);
Autocenter «Dilizhans» (Saint-Peterburg).
Let us mark that the contest’s winners was prized by special gifts from the Group of GARO Companies.
Vote for GARO at Golden Spanner competition
Dear Colleagues!
Please, vote for our company at «Golden Spanner-2015″ in nominations «The best native producer of car-service equipment» or«The best supplier of car-service equipment». To vote you just need to go to the link of the contest web-site , register and vote.